The board is responsible for the whole team. They make sure the organization is moving forward and plan the future of Ascend.

Johan Hatleskog
Project Manager

Marius Maaland
Deputy Project Manager

Tobias Stene Hansteen
Technical Leader

Emilie Udnæs
Marketing Manager

Ann Therese Kjenes
Business Manager
State estimation of the drone and beyond. The perception group converts sensor input to meaningful information about the drone and its environment.

Matias Christensen
Perception Group Leader

Thomas Rostrup Andersen
Perception Member

Stein-Inge Torset Øien
Perception Member

Håkon Flatval
Perception Member
Finding the optimal behaviour to solve the mission at hand. The AI group takes the latest AI research from theory to practice.

Simen Haugo
AI Group Leader

Nils Inge Rugsveen
AI Member

Mikkel Antonsen
AI Member

Alexander Bakke
AI Member
Control designs the command systems that bring the drone from A to B safely. They also work with flight controllers, sensors, obstacle avoidance and simulation

Martin Sollie
Control Group Leader

Christian Wilhelmsen
Control Member

Brage Eikanger
Control Member