Ascend’s Weekend at Robowars: Challenges, Battles, & Big Takeaways

Welcome back! Last weekend, Ascend competed in Robowars at Omega Verksted, where our Hardware team put their latest bot to the test. The event was packed with teams, high-energy moments, and plenty of learning opportunities.

The Setup: Meeting the Requirements
Robowars comes with some unique requirements, and our team faced them head-on. Robots had to weigh in under 2 kg (plus an extra 2 kg for batteries), so some creative engineering was in order. Our team drilled precision holes in the bot’s frame to meet the weight limit, designing a U-shaped aluminum bot with a vertical spinner, using a BLDC drone motor and a belt transmission system as our weapon for battle. We also had custom 3D-printed wheels. Controlled by a PlayStation controller, the bot was ready for action.
The Competition: Obstacles and Battles
The event kicked off with an obstacle course, where our bot navigated through bottles and avoided hazards. The bot needed to destroy the soda cans while steering clear of other obstacles. We managed a full run, even though we encountered some control issues, setting a good pace for what came next: a one-on-one battle. With sixteen teams competing, the atmosphere at Omega Verksted was buzzing with music, support, and anticipation. Ascend’s bot looked sharp and battle-ready, but an unfortunate connection issue during our match allowed the opposing bot to push us into one of the arena blades, flipping us upside down and ending our shot at victory.

Despite the early exit, it was exciting to have such strong support from Ascend members, coaches, and other teams. Even NRK Newton joined with their bot, “Sir Isaac Newton,” which ended up winning the competition - congratulations to them! We can’t wait to watch their match on TV when it airs.

After reviewing the event with the hardware team, we reflected on a few takeaways and improvements for future builds. They noted that a smaller design and switching from an ESP32 microcontroller to an RC receiver could help avoid the Bluetooth connection issues we encountered during competition. Additionally, lighter BLDC motors and more test-driving might improve control.

Looking Forward: Concept Review and IARC Mission 10
Robowars was a great learning experience, and now our Hardware team is joining the rest of Ascend to prep for next week’s Concept Review. This step brings us closer to competing in IARC Mission 10 next summer, a competition we’re eager to take on with everything we’ve learned.
Keep following along as we continue Ascend’s journey in robotics!